How a Wendy's District Manager Made a Positive Impact
The Heartwarming Letter of a Customer Recounting How a Wendy's District Manger Made a Positive Impact
Read time: 1 min

As Dave Thomas once said, “a family can count on each other, and that’s something that can’t be bought or sold.” At Wendy’s, we pride ourselves on having each other’s backs, and this includes our restaurant team members and customers. Treating people with respect has been important to Wendy’s since our founding in 1969, and Lisa Caban, District Manager of our Denver restaurants, lives this brand value every day. Recently, we received a letter from one of her customers who wanted to make sure we were aware of Lisa's selfless spirit and unwavering commitment to her team. We hope you are as inspired as we are when reading her customer’s account, below.
Hello, I hope this email goes directly to the CEO or President of Wendy's. I'm writing to you to tell you about my recent experience in one of your restaurants in Denver, Colorado.
Usually people write letters to complain, but I have the need to let you know when something goes very well. I visited your restaurant at 10335 Federal Blvd Westminster Colorado on May 14 around 11:00 a.m. I was having lunch when a lady came inside with a big cake and said hello to the crew in different languages. She said to them, “This cake is for all of you for your hard work, your dedication and passion.” The employees looked so surprised and happy, and then she visited every table and thanked all of us for having lunch at Wendy's and asked us how the food was.
I asked her who she was, and she said, “I'm the District Manager, Lisa Caban.” I said to her it was a nice gesture what she did to her crew, and she said, “They deserve it, they are the best and we are like family and as family we celebrate each other.”
In the parking lot in front of the restaurant, there was a woman with a kid outside with a sign asking for food. Lisa went outside and talked to the woman and then she came inside and talked to the manager and told her to prepare two meals and include milk. She then went outside and talked to the woman and came inside the restaurant and the woman said to her, “Are you ok with us eating here?” and Lisa said, “Of course! You are welcome to our house.”
The woman started crying, and Lisa gave her the food. The woman said to her, “God bless you! I am not homeless. My husband passed away three weeks ago, and I don't have family here, and the money I have is to pay the rent. That's why I am asking for food.”
She couldn't stop crying and told Lisa, “Thank you for not telling me to leave the premises and not treating me like I am no one.” Lisa gave her a Wendy's gift card and told her now she will have a place to eat saying, “Wendy's got you.”
The woman couldn't stop crying and I, a 72-year-old guy, started crying, and the reason that I cried is because after all of us going through a rough year with Covid, it is immensely beautiful to see that humanity is still beautiful.
Lisa told her to wait while she went to the supermarket. I went to the table and talked to her. She told me her name is Jazmin and her daughter’s name is Micaela. She was still crying and told me what Lisa did gave her strength to continue in life to fight for her daughter.
Lisa came back and gave her money. The woman told Lisa that it will help her until her brother comes to Colorado to help. Lisa said to her, “My life is a blessing, and if I can help another human being I will, and that person is you.”
Jazmin was crying so much and told Lisa $500 is a lot of money, and Lisa told her it was her gift to her and her daughter. I was compelled with the experience.
I met Dave Thomas in the 1980s while I was working at Kentucky Fried Chicken, and he was doing a conference and all he talked was about how we are with people. I have to tell you what Lisa did that day, Dave Thomas would be so proud of the way she represented the company.
I told Lisa what she did was incredible, and she told me, ”What I did was help a person in need with a child, and I did it from my heart.”
She said, “At Wendy’s, we are family and we believe in people.”
I was so overwhelmed that I hugged her, forgetting about Covid. I've been telling everybody about my experience at Wendy’s, and a couple of people told me to write to you.
I told Lisa I wanted to thank her because she did it not expecting anything, and she said, “Be our guest at Wendy’s and that's the way you thank me.” You have a loyal customer in me.
I told Lisa I will call corporate to let you know and she said, “Let's keep it between you and me. What I did was from the heart.”
But after talking to a lot of friends, I decided to write to you to tell you what a leader you have at Wendy’s in Colorado and how amazing she was not only with her crew but with her customers.
Thank you for taking the time to read my long email, no need to reply to me, I just wanted to tell you my incredible experience at one of your restaurants.
Regards and many blessings,