What's It Like Working at Wendy's?
Curious About What It’s Like to Work At Wendy’s? Hear It First Hand from Our 2019 Summer Interns
Read time: 1 min

Editor’s Note: The Square Deal™ would like to welcome our Communications Intern, Chloe Hagans, to the blog! Chloe will soon begin her senior year at The Ohio State University where she is studying Marketing. A native of West Salem, Ohio, Chloe loves the Buckeyes, trying new restaurants around Columbus, playing sand volleyball, and Wendy’s® new Bacon Jalapeño Cheeseburger.
When I was a little girl, I would sit in front of my family’s desktop computer and write stories, thoughts, and anything else I could think of in a Word document titled Chloe’s Daily Thoughts. Since then, I knew I wanted to work in an office setting and hopefully get to be a little creative with my work. I also have been determined to gain some valuable real-life experiences, so that Chloe’s Daily Thoughts could one day include some real adventure!
Naturally, as I grew up, Chloe’s Daily Thoughts took a backseat to homework, part-time jobs, and sports. When I moved to Columbus three years ago to attend The Ohio State University (let the adventure begin!), my focus quickly became centered around work-study jobs and internships that would prepare me for my first “real job” after college.
As I begin my fourth and final year of college, I feel that Ohio State has prepared me for life after graduation, both in and out of the classroom. Being at such a large school has granted me the opportunity to make new friends from different cultures and backgrounds. My friends and family at home said moving to Columbus from a small town and attending a university as large as Ohio State would be a culture shock, and they were right. I’ve had college classes that were bigger than my entire high school. However, coming from a small town turned simple interactions with people from different walks of life into something inspiring and educational. When I applied for the Communications Internship at Wendy’s, I hoped to have a similar experience, all while showcasing my creative side through writing and research projects.
The Wendy’s Intern Class of 2019 includes seven college students who are completing either undergraduate or graduate degrees. On my first day at Wendy’s, I learned that my internship class hails from across the country, not just Ohio! I’m thankful that I got to know them this summer, and at our end-of-summer intern party, I asked them about their experiences as Wendy’s Interns:
Applying for an internship can be stressful. There are so many different industries and companies to consider, along with tough competition! Why did you choose to apply for a summer internship at Wendy’s? What attracted you to the Wendy’s brand?
Leili Doerr (MBA Brand Management Intern, University of Texas at Austin): Wendy’s is a brand with which I share similar values, and that was very important to me when exploring summer internship opportunities. Wendy’s offered the perfect combination of a place where I could work on a brand that I feel passionately about, learn alongside peers who inspire and empower me, and grow my skillset as a marketer.
Lesley Ho (Brand Management Intern, Indiana University): I could immediately feel the warmth in the culture here, which has been a major focus in my career path. Food has also always been a huge part of my life, and seemingly always on my mind, so it seemed like a fitting and exciting industry for me to be in.
I know many of you have been busy with multiple projects big and small. What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on at Wendy’s this summer?
Yupian Cen (Business Intelligence Intern, Case Western Reserve University): My favorite project was forecasting for the system restaurant weekly sales. I’ve always wanted to gain exposure to data science, and this was a great opportunity for me.
Cory Hayes (Enterprise Solutions Intern, Ohio University): My favorite project this summer was my analysis project – Yupian and I were assigned to work on this project together. From the beginning, we set deadlines we wanted to meet and mediums we wanted to gather data with. We created tasks and milestones, and as we completed a milestone, we would present our work to our managers and they would give us tips going forward. The outcome of the project was working with others and managing a product with no definite outcomes to produce meaningful results.
How do you feel like you’ve contributed to Wendy’s company goals?
Cory: Yupian and I made recommendations to make meetings more efficient. We suggested there should be a network-wide meeting training session for current and new employees.
Karla Berberich (MBA Brand Management Intern, The Ohio State University): One of my projects was reviewing menu innovation using current ingredients. I got the chance to work with Research & Development to come up with some fun, very tasty ideas!
How did your team help you feel included and like a member of the Wendy’s family?
Megan McNamara (Consumer Insights Intern, Michigan State University): From the very start, the Consumer Insights team has been so open and welcoming. When I started at Wendy’s, I had one-on-one meetings with my supervisors, went to lunch with co-workers, and really got to know every member of the team. When I was doing mandatory in-restaurant training, the team came to see me and get lunch. The woman I was training with even asked me, “Is that your family?” I said, “Yes!”
Leili: My team has included me in a wide range of initiatives and meetings to understand what it would be like to be a full-time member of the Wendy’s family. I’ve been coached by my peers as well as included on social events to build personal relationships with team members.
Other than classes and work, what else are you involved in at school or passionate about?
Karla: This year I will be serving as a Board Fellow with a Columbus non-profit, A Kid Again® – which I am very excited about! A Kid Again is a non-profit that organizes events and outings for kids with life-threatening illnesses and their families — basically with the goal of having days where they can “just be kids.” I am also on the leadership team for our Graduate Women in Business group.
Yupian: I love to travel! I’m originally from Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. I went to college in Beijing, and now I’m in Cleveland for my master’s program! I also do a lot of volunteer work at school.
What advice or guidance would you give someone who is considering an internship or job at Wendy’s?
Megan: Don’t take yourself too seriously but take your work seriously. Everyone at Wendy’s is down to earth, friendly, and willing to help each other out. Even though it’s a global brand, it still feels like a small company because everyone really does treat each other like family.
Karla: Be excited about the brand and interested in Wendy’s products and restaurants – everyone here is very passionate about their work, and that enthusiasm is contagious.
What is your favorite Wendy’s menu item?
Megan: I love Wendy’s salads. My favorite is the Apple Pecan Chicken Salad. But you can’t go wrong with a chocolate Frosty®.
Leili: Son of Baconator® and a chocolate Frosty!
Karla: Frosty. That will never change.
Lesley: Dave’s Double® with Side of S’Awesome® sauce – on the side because I like to control the amount of sauce in my bites.
Cory: My favorite is the Spicy Nuggets!
Yupian: I love the Homestyle S’Awesome Bacon Chicken Sandwich!